Even trees need a balanced diet for good health! Organic Air Tree and Shrub Care provides a range of tree fertilizer applications designed to provide your trees and shrubs with balanced, organic nutrition. We specialize in organic fertilizer for trees, and our tree treatments include root and foliar applications. We are available to provide fertilizing service for trees and shrubs on both commercial and residential properties.
In short, we’re here to provide your plants with the tree food they need to thrive. Call Organic Air Tree and Shrub Care today for more on how to fertilize your trees in Avon, OH, and the greater Cleveland area. We help property owners as far west as Norwalk and Sandusky, so don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Organic Fertilizer for Trees: Experience the Difference
Scientific studies have shown that fertilizing trees can create problems with insects, including aphids, caterpillars, leafminers, and other bugs, primarily because of the nitrogen content in many conventional fertilizers. That frustrating fact can make you feel like fertilizing your trees will actually do more harm than good.
The solution, however, lies not in avoiding tree fertilizer altogether, but rather in what you are feeding your trees. Organic Air Tree and Shrub Care uses a natural tree food blend, instead of conventional tree fertilizer. Our organic tree fertilizer uses fish, seaweed, humates, and a spectrum of bioavailable minerals that provide balanced nutrition without an overabundance of nitrogen. This is the best tree fertilizer for encouraging health without surge growth, and without risking insect problems.
Because of our balanced organic tree fertilizer, most of the properties we care for have flourishing trees without increased pest problems!
Our deciduous and evergreen fertilizer treatment:
- Relieves Stress
- Supplements Nutrients to Prevent Deficiencies
- Promotes Strong Plant Growth
- Increases Disease Resistance
- Encourages Healthy Microbe Growth
Root Fertilization
Healthy root growth is vital for the overall health of a tree. A tree’s roots are like millions of tiny straws that draw in moisture and nutrients, so it’s important to make sure that the relevant beneficial microbes are present and supported. Mycorrhizae, one such microbe, is crucial in making the minerals and vitamins in the soil available to be absorbed by the roots. Organic Air Tree and Shrub Care recommends one annual deep-root fertilization treatment (spring or fall). We apply an organic, proprietary root fertilizer blend that includes all of the tree food your plant needs for healthy vitality. In contrast, DIY tree fertilizer spikes are high in salts and have a generally adverse effect on soil microbial populations. Healthy trees are less susceptible to disease and insect infestation, so deep-root tree fertilization combines to both prevent illness and promote growth!
Organic Air Tree and Shrub Care also provides aeration services for your trees’ root zones, and our deep root fertilizer for trees can work in concert with aeration to support microbial populations and root growth. We also offer an organic granular top dress to maximize your trees’ health. If you’re ready to see how deep-root fertilization can help your trees thrive, contact us now. We’ll get you started with your free estimate right away.
Seasonal Foliar Sprays
Skip the tree fertilizer sprays from the home improvement store! If you want tree fertilizing service that’s specifically designed to meet your tree’s seasonal nutritional needs, call in Organic Air Tree and Shrub Care instead. Our Certified Arborist team provides tree treatment aimed at meeting the nutritional needs of your trees’ seasonal development. This unique approach to foliar spray fertilizer boosts your trees’ natural defenses against disease and insects, combats weather-related stress, and fosters healthy growth.
Our foliar feeding sprays are designed to meet the following seasonal goals:
- Early Spring: Boosts bud development and leaf production
- Late Spring: Stimulates continued healthy growth
- Summer: Aids nutrient and moisture absorption
- Early Fall: Assists energy storage cycle for dormancy
The Organic Air Tree and Shrub Care foliar feeding treatment uses a varied blend of vitamins and minerals, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, marine algae extracts, and more. These nutrients are delivered directly into the tree’s vascular system, making them almost immediately accessible for the plant’s use. By providing these targeted seasonal foliar feeding treatments throughout the tree’s growing season, you can give your tree the food it needs to thrive.
So instead of attempting DIY fertilizing service on your trees, get the most benefit by choosing our pros for seasonally appropriate tree feeding. Organic Air Tree and Shrub Care has the expertise, organic tree fertilizer, and commitment to tree health that you can trust for a job done right! Call now for your free estimate.
- More information on mycorrhizae here: http://mycorrhizae.com/
- “Mycorrhizal Effects on Host Plant Physiology,” Dr. Fred T. Davies, Texas A & M University: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/faculty/davies/research/mycorrhizae.html